FU Page 4
Kei’s eyes narrowed as he tried to keep his temper in check. There was something about watching Parker drape herself all over Henry that got his back up.
Parker suckled Henry’s ear. Henry made a choking sound. Deftly, Parker moved until her hip pressed his fly, firmly. He must have come in his pants again, Kei thought. Henry really needed some self-control in that department. No doubt, it was because the kid had never gotten laid. Hell, his first introduction to kissing had been from Parker.
“Well, what do we have here?” Leo asked loudly.
Kei’s ears perked up when he heard Leo’s voice. Jaxon flashed Kei a speaking glance. Henry stiffened. Kei saw the moment Parker noticed.
“Hi,” she said brightly. “Are you one of my Henry’s friends?”
Leo snorted. “Yeah, we’re tight.”
Jaxon, Dan and Kei closed in beside Parker and Henry. At the center end of the room, the current RA and the House Resident went over their notes. Kei wished they’d get it over with so Leo had to shut up and sit down. Henry pulling off the Casanova bit was farfetched in the best of circumstances.
“I’m Penny.” She held out her hand and gave him a wide-eyed, vapid smile.
Leo took her hand. “I saw you running in the hall one day. Can’t have that. I might have to spank you if I catch you breaking dorm rules again.” His toothy grin looked way too promising of that threat.
This situation made Kei uneasy. Not only was their fivesome back in Leo’s sights, but if Leo got hung up on Parker, he’d become a nuisance.
Yeah, that was a bad idea. Parker having to deal with the uninvited attention of someone like Leo had been a stupid move. Whose idea had that been again? Right. Parker’s.
“Where’s your roommate, Jackoff?” Leo asked Jaxon.
“Which roommate would that be, Cleo?” he answered.
Leo’s lip curled. “Parker. He skulks off and no one’s seen him. Does he even exist or are you taking advantage of the scholarship housing and not reporting another space?”
“Parker’s here,” Jaxon answered, vaguely. “Wears a hoodie most of the time.”
“Where?” Leo turned, searched the room.
“Dude, what’s your hard-on for the guy?” Dan asked.
“I don’t think he exists. I think you’re shittin’ me, and I think Housing ought to know.” Leo said, shrugging.
Fuck. The last thing we need is a report to Housing. If they had her at the top of the list for a change and were aware of her former assignment, they might fill the fifth bed. The fact that they hadn’t yet was something of a miracle. Or a testament to the fuckwittedness of Fullerton University’s political red tape.
“Parker?” Parker asked in a giggly high-pitched voice. “Oh my gawd! I saw Parker like ten minutes ago. Remember, Henry? We were making out and Parker was there when you grabbed my ass? I love when you grab my ass.”
Leo’s lip curled. Parker played oblivious and batted her lashes up at Henry who wore a goofy grin.
“Henry,” Parker breathed. “I wanna fuck you real bad. Can we go soon?”
The guys on the couch hooted. One of them offered to fuck her for Henry. Another promised to show him how to fuck her.
Parker waved her hand at them. “Oh, you guys, Henry doesn’t need help. He’s a—” she broke off breathily for emphasis. “A god!”
Kei’s dick was half-hard at the needy, worshipful sound in her voice. Uneasiness spread from his gut outward. He didn’t like the way the other guys in the room looked at her. When the joke was over, she’d have half the university thinking she’d stop, drop, and fuck at the slightest provocation.
That shit was dangerous.
Parker clung to Henry. She suckled his earlobe, demanded and received wet hungry kisses. Henry got more and more into it, one hand cupping her ass, the other sliding up her side to stop just under her left breast.
Kei had the strongest urge to break every finger on Henry’s body. He bit back a cuss word when Parker gave an elaborate shiver and squirmed on Henry’s lap. The near-breast hand slipped down over her exposed belly and Henry boldly dipped his fingertips into the top front of her jeans.
To Kei’s relief, she didn’t open her legs. At least the girl had some sense. Admittedly, part of him really wanted to see the expression of pleasure on her face if Henry did dip two inches lower. Kei didn’t know if that made him sick, horny or masochistic.
He didn’t understand how the fuck it could simultaneously turn him on and piss him off to see Parker bestow kisses and flashes of breasts to his roommates. It made his cock painfully stiff, and his adrenaline spiked between wanting to rip her pants off to turn her over his knee for a good spanking, and wishing his roommates would hold her legs open as far as they would go so he could fuck her into orgasmic oblivion.
That’s how he spent the damn dorm meeting—edged between fury and lust. Neither benefited him, and neither promised great things for his scholarship if he acted on them. Yet, longing to see her sweet pink pussy—and he was sure it was pink given the delicate petal color of her nipples—open and the tiny clitoris exposed to his insatiable lips and the lashing of his tongue kept him hard throughout the half hour meeting.
Parker seemed to know their little act was having an effect on him. Of course, it was no more challenging than looking at the front placket of his jeans to discern that bit of intel. She sent Kei smoking looks. She probably didn’t know the darted glances and soft breaths got to him. At least, not by conscious effort. Parker just had a way of flipping his throttle into overdrive. It was the reason he’d demanded she never kiss him again. She’d intoxicated him in one gesture, and now his brain and his dick needed another hit while she seemed to attach herself to every one of his protective instincts deep in his soul.
Finally, it was over. With a sense of relief, Kei pushed away from the wall he’d been lounging against, and strode undeterred to their room. They’d follow. He knew they would. Hopefully, Kei would get a few minutes alone in the bathroom to take care of his loaded cock. If she heard him grunting, it would only play to his fantasies of her getting off by watching him get off.
Okay, so that’s a little bit sick and twisted, he admitted. She makes me crazy. Makes my skin itch from the inside to feel her naked body under mine.
The sound of running interrupted his thoughts as Parker caught up to him and kept stride. “Hey. How’d I do?” she asked.
What did he say to that? You were great. I’d like to get my hands down there next. You played the part of a bitch, and that pisses me off so bad that I want to take you from behind and punish you?
“Speechless?” she asked, raising a brow.
Kei paused, his eyes scanning her face. Was she playing him or serious? He couldn’t tell from the shuttered and steady gaze. Her lips twisted in a mockery of a playful smile. He turned the knob and stepped into the privacy of their room.
She followed him, grabbed his hips from behind. “C’mon, Kei, I did okay, right?”
He stopped in his tracks. She bumped into him from behind, and he didn’t think, he just acted. The next thing he knew, he had her pressed between his body and the wall. The door opened and his three other roommates hurried in and shut the door after seeing her pinned.
“Kei, put her down,” Dan urged.
“What happened?” Henry asked simultaneously.
“Kei.” Jaxon’s single word spoke softly brought Kei to his senses.
He let her go and backed off. Parker didn’t seem to be done with him though. She pushed his chest.
“What, Kei? What? What did I do wrong this time?” she baited. She shoved him again.
“Don’t,” he warned her.
“Don’t what? Don’t breathe? Don’t share a room? Don’t take up space? Don’t help? You’ll have to be a little more specific.”
“Kei, lay off, man. She did good,” Dan said.
“Parker,” Jaxon said. “Leave him alone. Let him cool down.”
“Fuck cool down. I want to know what I did
to put Kei’s man-panties in a permanent wedgie,” she snarled. She followed it with another light shove to his arm.
Kei turned on her, pushed her up against the wall a second time. “It’s you, Parker. You.” He grabbed her wrists and held them over her head. With both their arms up, it blocked out the others and he stared straight into the surprised depths of her crystal blue eyes.
“What about me?” she whispered, eyes snapping. “Do females intimidate you, Kei? Afraid Freud was right and I’ll steal your precious penis in the middle of the night?”
Close, he thought. He’d lost count of the number of nights he’d lain awake to watch her sleep, hear her deep breaths, hungered for a glimpse of one pale leg caught outside the sheets to glow in the remnant of moonlight.
He hated that if she’d opened her eyes at any time when just the two of them were awake, if she’d smiled just a little bit or held the sheets open, he’d have climbed in with her and lost his soul by pounding every ounce of himself into her body—just to hear her sigh his name in sleepy wonder.
Even now, she dared him with her eyes. Challenged him. God, he wanted to take up that challenge and see if she’d carry through to the end. Her little looks drove him insane with the need to touch her. Like the one she gave him now, where her gaze skipped over his lips and lifted, leaving him a hint of something in the depths—a shadow of vulnerability he wished to chase down, hold close for examination to see if it grew under his tender care. Or was it more fleeting than that? A butterfly of a desire that would burn out or drift away if he took the time to pursue it.
I want you. The words filled his thoughts. Did she know? Did she have any idea what being so close to her everyday did to him?
He thought he saw an echo of longing in her. She wanted to kiss him. He could see that. There was no mistaking the way her lips parted invitingly. His roommates spoke, but their voices were as muffled background noise.
Parker made a soft sound. A plea he felt to his soul. Kei held her wrists in one hand, knowing that if she wanted to free herself, she could. He reached between them, flipped her belt tab through her buckle and eased open her jeans, dragging the short zipper through an excruciatingly long rasp.
The others behind him grew silent. There was no one in the world but Parker and Kei; his breath moved her stray blonde hairs against her porcelain cheek. A lock of Kei’s black hair had fallen, partially obscuring one of his eyes. Intimacy existed in the details. Here, it was just the two of them trapped in the moment, outside of consequences, staring deep into each other’s souls through iris-curtained windows.
He stroked her belly with the back of his fingers, pressing more firmly with his thumb as he went lower and lower, past the top of her jeans, tucking into her panties. She gasped. His middle two fingers skimmed the down of her hidden trail and descended further still.
Parker’s lips parted, her brows drew together at a lift so slight, yet so telling of her need. He halted his downward progression, taking a moment to lightly tickle the trim margin with near strokes, brushing the back of his fingers over the softness, light enough that he never met skin.
Her breath puffed sharply, and her chest rose as though she were straining for more while holding herself back from asking. Her eyes darkened. Not the mysterious thing of romances where a magical change occurred. He was man enough to know those things didn’t exist. Darken they did, though, by expanded pupils and the beginning glaze that told him she was losing her awareness of everything but what his hand did, what his nearness did.
He felt it too.
His pores ached with it, screaming to draw her closer, to feel her against him, flesh to trembling flesh, and still he held himself steady. Still he tasted her gasps. Still he worshipped her face with his eyes, taking in every moment of each evolving expression.
Did he look the same to her?
His cock ached to claim her. His lips to assign ownership to her. He wanted more. He wanted all. He wanted this moment for all time. He wanted her pleasure first above his own. He had to see it, be there for it, live cognizant for it so he was ready to capture the precise instant her body and spirit separated, died and cried out for rebirth at his fingertips.
A gift to her, as much as to him, for letting him witness it.
He felt her heat, and as he dragged lower, he stroked her pussy with light caresses. Already moisture traced the seam of her labia, and he followed its path with his fingertips. Parker bit down on her lip. Her chin lifted unconsciously, opening everything to him for his taking. He expected her to close her eyes, but she didn’t, and he praised her with murmured nonsense only they could hear.
Kei pushed one fingertip inside, teasing her outer labia with minute thrusts.
Parker whispered, “Oh, God.” This close to her, he could believe he was one. Making and bringing pleasure.
He parted her wider, moving all four fingers through her open pussy as she cried out. His roughened fingers slowly rubbed her swollen flesh, then lower, lower to the flexing opening of her body. Kei eased two fingers in, then a third. Parker shuddered, tried to tilt her hips.
“Shh,” he whispered. “Take what you like. It’s yours.”
His thumb settled over her clitoris, her nub distended and hot to the touch. His cock flexed, leaked, but his attention stayed firmly on her. On every grasping muscle and slick movement of his thick fingers in her channel.
God, she was beautiful. Her face flushed with the fever of sex, her chest rose and sank in deep breaths. Her gaze remained locked on his, and each hungry gasp carried the faintest of cries. Her bottom lip was swollen from biting it, and as he watched, her pink tongue moistened the abused flesh.
Kei worked gently, thoroughly, avoiding speed in favor of finding the exact places her body responded and giving her all the pleasure that place afforded. He rolled her clit with the tip of his thumb. Her brows rose, her eyes slid almost completely closed, and her little sounds seemed to catch in her throat.
“Tell me,” he murmured.
Kei widened his fingers inside her. The muscles around them trembled, and with a few more sharp rolls to her clit, he saw it. Her face glowed with pleasure. Her eyes closed. Her breath stalled, and her hips tipped in time to the clenching on his fingers.
“Kei,” she breathed softly.
“I’m here,” he whispered. “Come back to me.”
Chapter Five
Kei cupped her, caressed her outer flesh with barely moving strokes as her inner muscles continued to tremble with the aftershocks of release. It showed her more than anything his consideration for her intimate privacy while waiting, ready for anything she might need from him.
His murmurs weren’t words, but they soothed her, made her feel cherished. God, his eyes! His black, bottomless eyes pulled her in, heated her from the inside out, yet she found comfort there. She’d expected roughness from him. She’d have taken Kei however he came to her. Parker hadn’t been prepared for this.
Already she could feel his emotional retreat. He petted, soothed, hadn’t left her, still held her wrists, but his face had begun closing in increments, and she felt the desperate need to draw him back.
“No,” she whispered. “Stay.”
“I haven’t left.”
“Yes, you have,” she said on a choked murmur.
He started to withdraw his fingers. Parker pulled from his loose grasp and wrapped both hands on his wrist holding him in place. The spell broke. The outside world their raised arms had sealed off lurked in her peripheral vision.
Kei looked to the side, acknowledging their roommates with that one gesture.
“Damn, I wish I’d gotten that on film,” Dan said.
That they had watched her rise, crest, and fall beneath Kei’s deft fingers sent another rush of heat and moisture between her legs. Kei inhaled softly, jerked his head to search her eyes. Something dark and wicked heated his look and caused him to smile.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he challenged.r />
Her face flushed hotly.
“You are, aren’t you?”
Parker licked her lips anxiously. She wasn’t sure she trusted herself to say it out loud. What if she was wrong and he wasn’t thinking about inviting the other boys to join? Didn’t Kei come from a traditional Asian background? Wouldn’t he view her as a whore if she told him how hot that made her? What would he do if she told him she wanted him to be the first of the guys to take her?
She decided it was too big a risk. What if he rejected her request that he be first? It would sting like a bitch if he turned her down after what they’d shared. And maybe it didn’t mean as much to him. He’d been mad when he’d thrown her against the wall.
He hadn’t been so wrapped up in taking her that he’d lost a moment of control either. Would he have held off from touching her, breaking his own rule that they not kiss, fucked her if he did want her to himself? She didn’t think so. More likely, he was shutting her up to prove the point that she was at his disposal while he enjoyed control of the reins.
And that hurt.
A lot.
She kind of wanted to lash out at him in return and make it sting just as badly. Would it hurt him to watch her come with the others? Watch her teach Henry how she wanted to be taken? Watch Jaxon power into her, or see Dan take her from behind?
“Yes, I think I’m thinking what you’re thinking,” she confessed finally.
“Are you okay with that?” he asked.
She released his wrist. Nodded. “As long as one of those boys will lower himself enough to risk kissing me, I’m all for sexual liberation.”
Jaxon swore to someone holy.
Dan grabbed Henry’s arm. “What does that mean? What did she just say? C’mon man, tell me what the fuck that means.”
Henry yanked his arm away. “How the heck am I supposed to know? You’re the horndog,” he told Dan.
Kei’s hand circled her hips inside her loosened jeans and pushed them down her legs.
“I don’t know what this is, but I like where it’s going,” Dan announced.