FU Page 10
“I know, Sakura. I’m a fool to have said otherwise.”
“Yeah, you are,” she agreed.
Jaxon swiped her hair off her neck and shoulder, taking gentle nips and soft sucking kisses on the exposed column. Dan cupped her breast, teased her nipple to a peak. His was a demonstration that the pupil, Henry, imitated.
Parker inhaled sharply and with trembling fingers, she tore the wrapper and dressed Kei’s cock.
“Thank you for the honor,” he whispered, placing a chaste kiss on her lips. Then he bent and kissed each nipple before sinking to his knees.
Kei buried his face in her belly, breathing her scent as she whimpered softly. It was the closest he’d allow himself to tasting her precious petals. He’d conquer her body, but sampling her gathered nectar would surely poison him from all others in the future. He had no hope of forgetting this woman, but damning himself to a lifetime without her taste was unthinkable.
He could feel her body around his cock and survive the pain, he rationalized. Yet he wasn’t so naïve to believe that he argued a weak debate with himself. Reaching to one of the discarded packets of condoms, Kei removed the thin latex circle.
“Jaxon,” Kei said.
Jaxon understood him correctly, undoing his pants, kicking off his shoes, and stepping out of the khaki colored slacks. “Only this once, man. I don’t like dudes touching my cock.”
“Your cock doesn’t interest me in the least,” Kei said. “It’s what your cock does to her that I like.”
Kei held the condom in his lips as he reached between Parker’s legs to help Jaxon with his socks. Then taking the condom, he rolled it on Jaxon’s cock while Jaxon unbuttoned and shrugged off his shirt.
Dan and Henry also undressed, but Kei’s attention hung on the sweetly scented woman a tongue flick away. He took care with Jaxon’s condom, thinking of ancient ceremonies, rites of womanhood and wanting this moment to close all the other encounters behind the doors of formality.
Parker would move on from them. She deserved perfect reverence.
The others seemed to sense the change. Dan stood behind Jaxon, nudged his cock against Jaxon’s ass.
“Fuck no, you aren’t going in,” Jaxon said.
“Don’t have to. I just want to get my rocks off,” Dan said.
Jaxon swore, stiffened.
Kei waited to see if they’d work it out. Finally, Jaxon relented with a tight-jawed nod and Dan presumably nestled his cock against his ass.
Henry stared with fascination. He appeared lost.
“Remember what you did for Parker last time?” Kei asked him.
Henry nodded.
“Do that again while I prepare her. Make Jaxon’s entry easy.”
They changed places, Henry on his naked ass, Kei awkwardly positioned above him to reach Parker. Kei watched, making sure Henry understood. When he plied her ass gently and was greeted with a startled gasp from Parker, Kei focused on her shifting expressions instead.
Kei had to kiss her, no, touch her. He couldn’t allow a kiss much as he couldn’t allow himself to imprint her flavor on his memory.
He cupped her face, careful not to touch the places Leo had marked. Kei would deal with that bastard one on one for those.
“I cherish you,” Kei whispered. His forehead touched hers. Releasing her face, he skimmed his hands down the side of her neck to her shoulders. She gasped sharply a second time, and Kei knew he’d employed Henry well.
Kei stroked her breasts, barely brushing over the firm swells, teasing her turgid points with hardly a whisper of his thumb. Parker moaned. He glanced down her body. Henry eagerly lapped her pussy, his fingers out of sight still worked diligently, judging from the rhythmic movements of his hand.
Kei reached for Jaxon’s head, pulling him to her shoulder. “Hold your cock. I’m going to help her.”
Jaxon murmured assent. Kei held her waist and lifted her. A nearly imperceptible nod told him Jaxon had found his target and Kei lowered her. Parker shuddered on a thick moan. Jaxon’s lips clamped on her shoulder. He moaned too as Dan thrust against Jaxon’s ass.
She took Jaxon, and now well embedded, he could thrust into her while she held Kei for support.
Dan’s eyes met Kei’s. He nodded that he was ready.
Kei dragged over the desk chair and lifted Parker’s foot to it, spreading her body wide.
Parker grabbed Kei’s shoulders. “No more waiting,” she pled.
“No more waiting,” Kei agreed. “Parker, take care of Henry. Henry, go stand beside Parker.”
Henry hurried to his feet. Parker held his cock as quickly as he presented it. With her other hand, she coasted her fingers down Kei’s body and wrapped around his shaft. Kei forgot to breathe. His covered tip touched her softer hidden flesh and he needed no other encouragement. Kei pushed in, sinking as deep as her body permitted, then pushing deeper when she cried out in pleasure.
Henry pumped into her hand as Kei took her silken cunt.
Parker wrapped her fingers around Kei’s chain. “Fuck me,” she commanded, her words harsh and hazed with lust.
Kei felt every lingering internal hug from Parker’s sweet pussy as he pulled out. Unable to stay away, too eager for what he’d been denying himself, he pushed back in. As though the friction of their bodies were binding threads between them, Kei felt increasingly tangled up in the beauty of passion.
In and out he moved, bound, linked, tied to her heat and essence. She was a power draw, pulling him deeper, taking pieces of permanence from him he didn’t know if he could part with, didn’t know if he could resist leaving behind. He was unable to deny either of their bodily needs. He didn’t want to, though, he knew he should try with some token resistance.
Yet Kei couldn’t hide from her. He retreated, and she found him still. He returned to her, and she embraced him as though she wouldn’t let him depart again. The dance continued. He left, her body mourned with urgent clasps—he came home, her body rejoiced in longing pulls that shivered over his cock.
His skin felt alive, zinging with electric-like impulses where cold and hot joined with kinetic and extrasensory. Behind his lids, passion had color and sharp edges. It slashed yet calmed, spiked yet pulsed with unending increase.
Jaxon’s hands cupped her breasts, his dark fingers capturing her pale pink nipples hard between his fingers while holding her still for Kei’s fucking. He felt Jaxon move inside her, his cock stroking in opposition to his, adding to the build of heat.
Dan’s grunts joined the impassioned cries they made, and Henry’s inquisitive fingers wiggling between his cock and her pussy to pinch her clit, rub her labia roughly, took him teetering to the edge of their joined abyss. It reminded him what he didn’t want to know—he shared her with many. Her desperate channel clung to his length, seemed intent on driving him to the brink. She allowed the others to join, but he couldn’t ignore the way her body felt linked with his alone.
Kei mouthed her ear.
“Kei,” she said through panted cries.
“Here, Sakura.”
She broke around him, clamping on his cock so tightly he could barely move. Jaxon shouted into her shoulder. Dan didn’t silence himself, but pistoned harder, rocking their bodies as he bellowed his arrival.
Kei pushed deep inside her, wanting her body to claim its due from him. She milked him. Sweat broke out on his spine as he tried to stay still for her, then moved when he sensed she was nearly done, and he wished to wring out her pleasure longer.
Parker clung to him.
“Only me, Sakura. Have only me,” he whispered, brokenly beside her ear. He’d regret them later, prayed she hadn’t heard his weak confession. Words had power. Meaning gave control. Parker had both, and with them, she possessed his soul for all eternity.
Cum streaked up his cock as Kei emptied himself into his precious vessel. Kei wrapped his arms around her and for a moment, it was only the two of them holding each other.
He shook with his love for her. How can sh
e not know my heart?
He was a weak man, enslaved by sentiment that would leave him devastated when she moved on. A fool entrapped by the power of his emotions for a woman who hadn’t confessed the same.
Abruptly, he let her go, stumbled back from her. The others hadn’t left her and Henry filled the space Kei had left, lapping her pussy and jerking his dick. Her gaze locked on Kei’s and he saw the moment confusion turned to passion as Henry’s talent plucked at her flesh and returned her to the high plateau they’d just visited together.
Kei gripped the bunk footboard, forcing himself to watch Henry’s mouth take her pussy, his fingers rising and twisting in the recently filled channel. Parker writhed. Dan and Jaxon stepped around her, their endowed flaccid cocks swinging against her hips as each took a breast in their mouths, and lifted her with parted legs for Henry to take his fill of her.
The eroticism wasn’t lost on Kei. Already he felt the surge of renewed interest tingle the length of his cock.
See? he told himself. She’s a slave to passion. You’re nothing special, Kei. Watch and see her find ecstasy without you.
Chapter Ten
It was the morning of the move. Her stuff sat in her suitcases and one trunk—everything she’d brought with her plus the Star Wars tee Henry had let her keep. Only one suitcase remained open, waiting for her after her shower. Henry’s black shirt sat folded on top. She’d never look at Darth Vader the same way again. Just a glimpse of that shiny phallic helmet and her pussy slicked with need.
Parker tightened Kei’s bath towel around herself as she dug through her suitcase for clothing. Kei and Dan had promised to come right after class and practice to help her move to the new dorm. With Henry filling in for a lab Teaching Assistant, and Jaxon tutoring at the local middle school, she depended on the other two to come through for her.
Things had been strained with Kei. Dan had a big game this weekend. She really hoped Dan wasn’t caught up in after practice team building. As selfish as she felt for thinking it, she didn’t want to be alone with Kei.
She didn’t know what had happened between his heartbreaking plea that she have only him, to the post-coital distance he’d exhibited, but something had changed. She’d been floating on pleasure with him, feeling him crest inside her, hearing his words and nearly crying with joy when she realized he didn’t want to share her heart.
Then suddenly, his expression had turned cold. Her body had betrayed her by riding from one beautiful wave to the next with her other three roommates. Kei’s gaze locked on her naked body had excited her. She’d seen the proof that it excited him too, so she’d allowed it to continue.
Somewhere, it had gone wrong.
A quick double knock made her smile. Dan. He always forgot his keys. After today, he’d need to find a new way to get inside the room.
Parker swung the door open. At least with Dan here, she didn’t have to face Kei alone. Except Dan wasn’t standing there, and it wasn’t Dan who pushed his way into the room and locked the door behind him.
Parker’s heart kicked with adrenaline. Oh, God. There was no hiding her suitcases and trunk or the fact that the fifth bed had clearly been stripped to the ticking. Parker licked her lips nervously. “Leo,” she said, searching for a believable stall.
“Penny,” she said brightly.
“Parker,” Leo insisted, dropping his hands on his hips and staring at her with a level glare.
“Ah, Henry’s not here right now,” she said, trying to deflect.
“I know. I also know that Jaxon’s busy. I saw to it that Dan and Kei are detained by Housing. Seems there’s some question about their fifth roommate.”
Parker’s stomach lurched, and a cool sweat touched the back of her neck. Her fingers tightened on the towel. There was nothing between her naked body and that one piece of cotton armor.
“You wouldn’t open the door to me last time. I used to room with those guys before Henry came along. Did you know that?” he asked, taking an ominous step toward her.
“No,” she rasped.
“Yeah, Dan has a distinct knock. Kei never leaves his keys behind, and Jaxon calls out if he needs to get in. It’s lucky for me that I know how to knock like Dan, don’t you think?”
Was a whimper out of order here? If Leo had involved Housing, not only had he effectively locked up their time, he’d pretty much guaranteed her rejection from the program. The guys would be removed, too. Her fault. It always came back to that, didn’t it?
“Please leave,” she said, finally finding her voice.
“I don’t think so.”
“At least turn your back while I get dressed.”
“Again. Nuh-uh. I want to see the goods I’ll be fucking in a few minutes,” Leo returned.
Parker had never been self-conscious, but the idea of getting naked for him made her stomach whirl unhappily. Seeing her body wasn’t a right he had, it was decision she either allowed or didn’t. Fuck Leo for thinking he could command it, and she’d do it. She owed him nothing. Less than nothing, actually. The fucker had tried to take sex from her the first time around; she certainly wasn’t going to encourage him to try again. Strip her towel? Hell, no.
“Piss off.” She clasped the towel confidently against her body. “I can wait.” Especially, if I can get past him to the bathroom and lock the door. But she couldn’t. He blocked her path, and she realized more than a little too late that his advantage was compounded by having backed her into the side of the room with all five beds.
I have more leverage on my feet than my back. Better to stand my ground now.
Leo’s eyes glittered. Parker clamped her jaw, annoyed that he’d managed to catch her alone, not discounting the added complication of being barely concealed by a thin strip of white terry cloth.
Her hands felt clammy with anxiety, but she locked eyes on Leo trying to anticipate his next move against her.
“Don’t be shy, Parker. I know you give it up for the others. What’s one more cock to that over-worn pussy of yours?”
“One too many, asshole,” she said.
Leo darted forward. She toppled backward over the foot of Kei’s bed, wood scraping her upper thighs and pinching the nerves behind her knees as his weight joined hers. All one hundred and eighty pounds of him squashed her legs to hard wood, and crying out she scrambled backward trying to free herself from his weight and the pinching pain.
She no longer cared about losing her towel. That seemed to be the only thing Leo cared to notice as he clawed at her bared breasts, hurried to keep his position over her until he once again pinned her down, this time on Kei’s bed.
“This is rape, you sonofabitch!” she spat.
“Not yet, it isn’t. I can make you feel so good you’ll have nothing but yes and oh, baby, more to say to me.”
Parker pushed against his chest. Now that he had her down, he seemed to want to draw out the suspense a bit. She made a move to gouge his eyes, but he anticipated it this time, grabbing her hands and holding them over her head. His fingers bit her wrists. Her hands throbbed with trapped blood and began to ache. She’d have bruises there tomorrow.
“You’re leaving evidence,” she gasped through the pain.
“You’ll have trouble proving it was me and not one of those other four guys you’re fucking. Girls that are free and loose have a hard time proving their innocence.”
“Our relationship isn’t like that,” Parker said.
She tried to maneuver her knee between his legs. Again, he anticipated the move, jammed his knee into her thigh. She gritted her teeth on a yelp and squeezed her eyes to hold back the sudden rise of tears. She wouldn’t let him see her cry.
“Sneaky bitch. You aren’t weaseling away this time.”
Parker tried to lever her body, bowing her back and jerking him upward with her hips. It almost worked. Would have worked if she weren’t spread out and her legs unable to give her enough purchase to roll him off. Leo laughed, thrusting his je
an-clad hips hard against her spread pussy, grating the tender flesh.
Parker screamed. Leo freed a hand and struck Parker under her chin. Her teeth nipped the tip of her tongue and she tasted the coppery flavor of blood as her ears rang and her vision grew dim.
Stay awake. Stay awake, she pleaded with herself.
Pulling on her arms only made Leo squeeze her wrists tighter. Electrical jolts of pain radiated outward from his hold and weakened them from further use. He grabbed her breast with his free hand, roughly working it as tears slipped down the outside corners of her eyes.
This can’t be happening.
Leo’s mouth crashed down on hers with bruising force. He loosened his pants and she felt the warm touch of his cock on her belly. It set her into motion, bucking and twisting her hips regardless of how much it hurt. It would hurt a lot more to take what Leo wanted to force.
She bit his lip, drawing blood.
Leo turned and spat, spraying small droplets. “Fuck! Do you have AIDS? Bitch, do you have fucking AIDS?”
“Yes,” she screamed, trying to think of anything to stop him.
He stilled, stared down at her as she mutinously glared back and hoped he saw all the hatred he inspired.
Suddenly, a smile replaced the horror. “Liar,” he rasped. “You might be a whore, but you’re clean, aren’t you?”
Parker forced herself to calm. It went against every instinct she had, but she remembered self-defense training. To get him to relax, he had to believe she was no longer a threat. She willed herself to lay still, take deeper breaths. She even managed a smile, however unsteady it felt. Her arms and legs went limp. Her back lost its rigidity.
“You’re hurting me,” she told him matter-of-factly.
Confusion disintegrated the determination on his face.
Parker sighed elaborately and rolled her eyes for dramatic effect. “For fuck’s sake, Leo, the forced rape scenario works better if you don’t completely abuse your partner.”
“I can’t feel my hands. How am I supposed to capitulate and grab your ass when you fuck me if I can’t feel my hands?” she asked. She took another shaky breath.